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Chakras, Healing & Energy Work

I-Ching & Oriental Studies


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Psychology, Self-Trust & Social Interaction




Arroyo, Stephen, (1975). Astrology, Psychology, and the Four Elements: An Energy Approach to Astrology and its Use in the Counseling Arts. CRCS Publications, Sebastopol, Ca. ISBN# 0916-360-016.


Arroyo, Stephen, (1978). Astrology, Karma & Transformation: The Inner Dimensions of the Birth Chart. CRCS Publications, Sebastopol, Ca. ISBN# 0916-360-547.


Bailey, Alice A., (1936). Esoteric Astrology: Volume III, A Treatise on the Seven Rays. Lucis Publishing Company, New York, New York. ISBN# 978-0853-301-202.


Bills, Rex E. (1971). The Rulership Book: A Directory of Astrological Correspondences. A.F.A., Tempe, Az. ISBN# 0-86690-431-X.


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Green, Jeffrey Wolf, (1985). Pluto: Evolutionary Journey of the Soul. Llewellyn, St Paul, Mn. ISBN# 978-1902405544.


Hand, Robert, (1978). Planets in Transit: Life Cycles for Living. Whitford Press, Atglen, PA. ISBN# 0-924608-26-9.


Hodson, Geoffrey, (1952). The Seven Human Temperaments. Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar, Madras, India. ISBN# 978-8170590521.


Koparkar, Mohan, (1977). Lunar Nodes. Mohan Enterprises, Roch, New York. ISBN# 978-0918-922-045.


Maerz, John Lawrence, (2009). Cycles: The Application of Energy within the Natural Cycle. Astrological Institute, Bay Shore, NY. ISBN# 978-0557-271-535.


Maerz, John Lawrence, (2020). Signs & Portents: A Reader’s Guide for Combining Psychic Tools. Emotional Troubleshooter, LLC, Sarasota, Fl.  ISBN# 978-0986-436-468.


Maerz, John Lawrence, (2021). Astrology 4 Purpose, Power & Perspective: A Primer for the Seven Rays & the Work of Alice Bailey. Emotional Troubleshooter, LLC, Sarasota, Fl.  ISBN# 978-0986-436-482.


Meyer, Michael R., (1974). A Handbook for the Humanistic Astrologer. Anchor Books / Doubleday, Garden City, N.Y. ISBN# 0384-057-296.


Oken, Alan, (1980). Alan Oken’s Complete Astrology: A Modern Guide to Astrological Awareness. Bantam Books, New York, N.Y. ISBN# 0553-012-622.


Pelletier, Robert, (1978). Planets in Houses: Experiencing Your Environment. Para Research, Rockport, Mass. ISBN# 0-914918-27-3.


Rudhyar, Dane, (1972). The Astrological Houses. Doubleday, Garden City, N.Y., ISBN# 978-1484152430.


Rudhyar, Dane, (1967). The Lunation Cycle. Shamballa, Berkley, Ca., ISBN# 0-87773-029-6.


Sakioan, Frances & Acker, Louis, (1973). The Astrology of Human Relationships. Harper & Rowe Publishers, New York, NY. ISBN# 0-06-013712-6.


Sasportas, Howard, (1985). The Twelve Houses: Exploring the Houses of the Horoscope. Flare Publications, London, Eng. ISBN# 978-1903-353-042.


Schulman, Martin, (1975). Karmic Astrology: The Moon’s Nodes and Reincarnation. Volume 1. Samuel Weiser, Inc., York Beach, Me. ISBN# 0877-282-889.


Stahl, Carl W. (1972). Vulcan, The Intra-Mercurial Planet. Solunar Research Pubications, Bay City, Mi. ASIN# B0006X5SY4 (Amazon).  


Weston, L. H., The Planet Vulcan History, Nature, Tables. American Federation of Astrologers, Tempe, Az. ISBN# 978-0866-901-963.             


Wilson-Ludlam, Mae R., (1981). Interpret Your Rays Using Astrology. American Federation of Astrologers, Inc, Tempe, Az. ISBN# 0866-900-039.


Wood, Ernest. (1925). The Seven Rays: A Theosophical Handbook. The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar, Madras 20, India. ISBN# 0835-604-810.


Chakras, Healing & Energy Work


Brennan, Barbara, (1988) Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field. Bantam Books, New York, NY. ISBN# 978-0553345391.  


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Leadbeater, C.W., (1927). The Chakras. Quest Books, New York, NY. ISBN#  9780835604222.


I-Ching & Oriental Studies


Blakney, R.B., (1955). The Way of Life – Lao Tzu- A New Translation of the Tao Te Ching. Mentor Books, New York, NY. LOC# 55-7401.


Ni, Hua-Ching, (1979). Tao: The Subtle Universal Law & the Integral Way of Life. SevenStar Communications Group, Inc, Los Angeles, Ca., ISBN# 978-0937-064-658.


Wilhelm, Richard, (1950). The I Ching or Book of Changes. Bollingen Foundation, New York, Ny. ISBN# 0-691-09750-X.


Wing, R.L., (1979). The I Ching Workbook. Doubleday & Company, Garden City, New York, ISBN# 0385-12838-X.


Wing, R.L., (1966). The Tao of Power; Lao Tzu’s Classic Guide to Leadership, Influence and Excellence. Doubleday & Company, Garden City, New York, ISBN# 0385-19637-7.




Avery, Kevin Quinn., (1974). The Numbers of Life: The Hidden Power in Numerology. Doubleday & Company, Garden City, New York, ISBN# 0-385-126-9-8.


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Mediumship & Psychic Development


Fortune, Dione, (1930). Psychic Self-Defense: The Definitive Manual for Protecting Yourself Against Paranormal Attack. Samuel Weiser, Newburyport, Mass., ISBN# 978-1578637317.


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Van Praag, James, (1997). Talking to Heaven: A Medium's Message of Life After Death. Dutton Adult, New York, NY. ISBN# 978-0525942689.


Psychology, Self-Trust & Social Interaction


Adler, Alfred (1927). Understanding Human Nature: The Psychology of Personality.  One World publications, Oxford, England. ISBN# 978-1-85168-667-4.


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Bandler, Richard & Grinder, John (1882). ReFraming: Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the Transformation of Meaning. Real People Press, Moab, Ut. ISBN# 0-911226-24-9.


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Chodron, Pema (1994). Start from Where You Are: A Guide to Compassionate Living. Shambala Publishing, Inc. Boston, Mass. ISBN# 1-57062-839-4.


Ekman PhD., Paul, Friesen, Wallace V., (2003). Unmasking the Face: A Guide to Recognizing Emotions from Facial Expressions. Malor Books. Cambridge, Ma. ISBN# 1-883536-36-7.


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Firestone, PhD., Robert W. (1985). The Fantasy Bond: Structure of Defenses. The Glendon Association, Santa Barbara, Ca. ISBN# 0-9676684-0-9.


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Hicks, Esther, Hicks, Jerry. (2009) The Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships. Hay House, Inc. Carlsbad, California. ISBN# 1-4019-1882-8.


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Kelly, Mathew (2005). Seven Levels of Intimacy. Simon & Schuster, New York, N.Y., ISBN# 0-7432-6511-4.


Maerz, John L., (2012). A Mile in Your Shoes: The Road to Self-Actualization Through Compassion. Lulu Publishing. ISBN# 978-1-105-95262-3.


Maerz, John L., (2014). Energizing Self-Trust: 7 Steps for Reclaiming Your Power. Emotional Troubleshooter, LLC, Sarasota, Fl.  ISBN# 978-0986-436-451.


Maerz, John L., (2018). Out of the Box: 7 Elements for Raising a Self-directing Child. Emotional Troubleshooter, LLC, Sarasota, Fl.  ISBN# 978-0986-436-475.


Maerz, John L., (2020). Ploys for Dominance: A Guide for Recognizing & Disarming Manipulation. Emotional Troubleshooter, LLC, Sarasota, Fl.  ISBN# 978-0986-436-437.


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Gardner, Richard, (1977). Evolution Through the Tarot. Samuel Weiser, Newburyport, Mass., ISBN# 978-0877283713.


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