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Happy Birthday Aries 2024

Writer's picture: John Lawrence MaerzJohn Lawrence Maerz

This month will prove to be a very important month. There are two eclipses occurring with you. One is a lunar eclipse in Libra on March 25th, your opposite sign, and the other a solar eclipse in your sign Aries on April 8th. Each set of eclipses occurs every six months in different signs. They provide the opportunity to observe life issues and make adjustments if necessary. Eclipses themselves create low energy times so it would be best to take some quiet time during the six weeks they have effect. The effect starts two weeks before the first and two weeks after the last. In Aries and Libra, it relates to choices between acting for and giving to self and others.


You may find that you are not clear with what you want and, at the same time, feel pressured to make decisions promptly. It will require you to ignore the pressure and slow down enough to get out of the “head space” of simply “doing” to get things done. This is a time to stop and slowly think out what is most important to you in the long run.


You may also find now that working with group endeavors will produce the most fruit. The last fifteen years have been mostly dedicated toward building your framework and now you must “admit” others into what you have produced. It will bring the necessity of teamwork which is not one of Aries’ best qualities.


The two eclipses bring the potential to balance your independence with sharing. Again, like teamwork, sharing is not one of your best qualities. You tend to try to do all aspects of things yourself for the fear of others not doing things “right.” Your interpretation of “right” is only the way you think and doesn’t leave room for others to do things in their own timing or in their own way. This leaves others feeling pressured and rushed. For you, it leaves room for developing more compassion and empathy which is not usually an Aries strong point. This brings the need to listen to how other people perceive things in the world and accept them as being “ok” for perceiving the way that they do while not following what you think is appropriate. Patience and allowing are now required to harmonize with individuals and groups.

April 2024 Astrolights

On the 1st, Mercury turns retrograde in Aries. This is a time where beginning new endeavors is ill-advised while looking back and adjusting previous and past issues takes precedence. Mercury will stay retrograde until April 25th after which it will be safe to begin new endeavors.


On the 5th Venus will enter Aries creating swift new choices but the main event this month will be the solar eclipse occurring in Aries on the 8th. New projects and the independence of you and those around you will be the main focus. Its time to assess what you can do yourself and to understand which issues you might need assistance on. It also asks that you don’t be too proud to ask for that assistance. We’ve already had the lunar eclipse on March 25th so what you’ll need from others and what you can contribute to them, hopefully, has already been established.


On the 19th the Sun will enter Taurus. This asks that you assess what resources you have or not that might be needed to proceed with the new endeavors and the “adjusted” independence that the solar eclipse has brought you. You must pay attention while allowing this assessment to occur as on the 21st Jupiter will conjunct Uranus in Taurus. This will create enough pressure to bypass the inertia of which Taurus is usually very slow to break. This will help get eclipse issues into gear.


On the 23rd the Moon becomes full in Scorpio. This will first let you know what others have as their resources that might help you and second, let you know how they are going to react to any changes you might plan to do that will affect them. Remember, this eclipse cycle is in both Libra and Aries. It’s all about creating the balance between sharing and doing things independently.


On the 25th, Mercury turns direct again in Aries. There should occur not only strong conversation about what you are doing now but practical planning for your forward movements. On the 29th Venus moves into Taurus. This brings choice in which assets will be used for your new endeavors and on the 30th Mars move into Aries providing the forward action needed to actualize your plans. This will likely be a very busy month for many people. Enjoy!

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