Do You Prevent or Prepare?
July 29, 2016
With every action that we initiate or participate in we will approach that action from a perspective that will set the stage for how the resulting circumstances will present themselves and play out. For most of us we will choose either for the completion of something or for having an experience of some kind. For the western mind, the goal is usually comprised of a resolution of some concern or an arrival at some anticipated place. Since we are, essentially, a problem solving culture based on practicalities and material concerns and governed by tangible validation, a resolution or destination almost always becomes the intended purpose of our goal. With the influx of other cultures and with the progressively expanding spiritual movement, the journey as opposed to a destination has been taking on much more importance. More and more of us are accepting that choosing the importance of the journey over the destination is becoming the most appropriate perspective for our approach. However, there is an even more subtle dynamic that sets the stage for what circumstances we draw to ourselves that altogether goes unnoticed. The manner in which we approach that journey or destination defines whether we end up aligning with the best focus for making the energy applied supportive for our assumed objectives or if we align with setting up our own resistance thereby preventing our objectives from coming to fruition. This agrees with the principles of the Law of Attraction.
The difference is quite obvious to those of us who are aware of how energy operates. If we focus on what blocks our way to being successful, we add momentum to the force impeding the accomplishment of our intention. If we focus on what is needed to manifest our intention, we almost invariably accelerate conditions leading to its accomplishment, sometimes, even with an advantageous twist in our preferred outcome. This often seems counter intuitive to us. It seems like focusing on what could be is irrational in light of the fact that we are predominantly so materially directed. Not wanting to risk being irrational or seeming to look impractical to others, we almost always focus on what is there rather than what could be. To us, what could be is judged to be Pollyanna like. That is, our contemporary culture assumes that a what could be focus rather than what is focus is immature, irrational and impractical. This is simply a function of our having been trained into always attending what is already present rather than on any potential beyond our observed limitations. Over emphasis on this is often a lethal hazard to what we wish to accomplish through having been ingrained in our childhood training and supporting a materialistic view on things. It exemplifies our modern day obsession with needing to be and feel practical.
Our culture has been deceived into believing that we must behave like scientists by putting our trust and faith only in what we can see, feel, smell, touch or hear. Unfortunately, the result is the sacrifice of any viable vision that only exhibits potential without supporting evidence for the assumed guarantee of the accomplishment our goal. In this view we are blocked through paying intention only to what is rather than what is needed or possible. Even you, the reader, now would most likely also align your trained belief with a practical approach believing that it must be used to be successful. But problem solving, the idiosyncratic obsession of our western culture, almost always focuses on what is and in the way of what we want, often focusing on what prevents our success rather that what accelerates it and prepares us for its arrival. But this approach always fails us and flies in the in the face of how energy naturally and universally operates. The truth is that energy follows thought. It is mindless. It simply goes where we direct it. If we direct our attention (energy) toward limitations, it accelerates their strength and momentum. If we direct our energy toward our vision and what would, conceivably, manifest our intention, momentum is built toward creating it. Again, a principle primary to the Law of Attraction.
The crux of what we’re speaking about boils down to whether we believe that circumstances control our fate or our own will and intentions do. In this, we have to ask ourselves which is stronger, what is or what could be? To which do we give our power and expectations over to; the actions of the external world or our own will and intentions? Which moves us? Which perspective holds dominance with us? Are we the controlled or the controllers? Are we the creators or the created? If we are predominantly the created, we will spend the rest of our lives doing and being what we’re told. We’ll feel snug, secure and like we have a prepared and secure place in the world (dictated by others). If we are predominantly the creators (dictated by our own heart), we might feel insecure about our place in the world and are likely to be shunned and ostracized by those who are afraid of growth and change by having to readjust the way they relate to us. We will have little support and even less feeling of belonging. An independent path often starts on a lonely road…until we attract those of similar interest and those who have also developed the courage needed for independent choices and action.
There needs to be a balance between our heartfelt actions and intentions and what the world sees as our place in it. We need to have a modicum of both perspectives in order to maintain our momentum toward our personal growth while maintaining our ability to integrate what we’ve learned with the world of what is. Others will see us as their external world and they are compelled to make the same choice for balance as we do.
Please understand that I am not promoting anarchy, simply more of an even balance between what we want and what is expected of us by the world around us. Our culture has become so over weighted with evidence based values based on our assumed expectations of what is that we have been trained into and all but forgotten that each of us have just as much a right to pursue what we want without being accused of being selfish through ignoring what the world attempts to bully us into believing. We are not scientists. We are human; a combination of what is and what we could become. Do you want to keep repeating the same old patterns producing the same results? Relative to world changes, it is vital that we include more of what could be rather than only repeating evidence of what is…our past. Great dreams are all based on what could be…the future. They are the driving force for expanding our awareness and evolution as a species. Don’t be bullied into believing that the world knows best for us. Don’t contribute to the fear and ignorance of the “sheeple.” The world around us simply shows evidence of what has already been tried. Be curious. Be playful. Be creative. We are also part of that world that determines how our growth will progress. We participate in both directions. Listen to your heart first, then synthesize it with the world and its need for security in maintaining their status quo. Balance your dreams with the practicalities, yet, still follow your dreams. Look at them in terms of potential and preparation not as a measure of prevention for what we’ve learned to believe we might lose if we step outside the envelope.