What do you want in your relationships? Why? What is your motivation? They say that Libra is in love with love. Often, this is the case. But now, we’re getting a clear view of who we are with. What do you want from them? Have you told them? Odds are if your birth sign is Libra or you have major placements in Libra, they don’t know because you haven’t told them. Usually, Libra applies their ideal to their significant other and simply expects them to act accordingly. When they don’t respond as you expect, you’re puzzled. It’s time to let others know what you want and expect from them. You must swallow your insecurity about their reactions to you and have the courage to tell them. If it’s a good match, the response will be good. If not, then it won’t be and you’ll be faced with a decision to make. Will you choose reality or stay safe in the dream?
There is some emotional turmoil occurring in your career and how you deal with authority figures. You must make clear where you stand and what you want. If you can negotiate terms, great. If not, it’s time to look for another position. You should know that you have far more to offer than what is being asked of you. You must either negotiate or find a position that uses your talents to the fullest. Don’t be modest and shortchange yourself. In the long run, you will be better off and feel more fulfilled. If you accept less than your worth, you will feel a lot of resentment later.
It may be time to move on from your religious crowd or the people connected to what you’ve been following in the spiritual realm. Right not you might not realize it yet, but you have moved on to a more subtle awareness. The people around you now might seem shallower and more superficial than you’d prefer. It’s time to find a more aware and understanding group to connect with. What you’re dealing with now is likely beyond their comprehension or what they are aware enough to consider.
Lastly, the people who are now gravitating toward you seem to be more adventurous and speculative. It’s time to let go a bit and allow yourself to venture out of your “normalcy” box. Risk trying something you’ve never done before. You might be pleasantly surprised at the options that might become available to you…
October 2024 Astrolights

Not everything is actually as it appears. Since July 1st we have been seeing more reality as Neptune retreats in Pisces, along with Saturn, from Aries and retraces the ground created by its illusions and Saturn’s fearful restrictions. This is being provided to us so we can see clearly what needs to be brought back into balance in terms of our perspective and how things appear in the world. As we come to a solar eclipse in Libra on the 2nd, we should begin to be able to see the reality of who people truly are and the difference between what they say and what they do. A person’s history speaks volume about the potential for what they will do or neglect in the future. If we assess people at all, we should look at what they’ve done or neglected not what they say. While talk is cheap and “birds of a feather flock together” be honest and observant and you will attract the same kinds of people. Hide your faults and you will always attract a predator. They can smell a hidden low self-worth like a shark smells blood in the water. Don’t be afraid to be yourself. It’s your best defense against deception and illusion.
On the 9th Jupiter turns retrograde in Gemini. Gemini brings details concerning all issues that can be spoken or communicated, and Jupiter brings the expansion of it. We have had a landslide of facts and “fact checking” from every crevice in the media. Rather than attempting to sort out what we’ve heard, better to step back, let go and allow your gut feelings to tell you what’s true and what is not. Remember, Jupiter not only rules Sagittarius but also Pisces ruling feelings and triggering intuition. So, his squaring Pisces and retrograde will give us some breathing room to listen inside and assess what is true and what is not by simply using our feelings and our intuition. There is TMI (too much information) for us to waste our time sorting through everyone else’s claims of fact. Trust yourself and what you feel. This will bring us back to center.
On the 12th Pluto turns direct in Capricorn. This is extremely important in that he is in a critical degree (29 degrees) and making his last exit while presenting the last opportunity for us to choose what structure and authority we will use and trust for the next twenty years. His movement into Aquarius will present years of new undercurrents that will affect us all..
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