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Happy Birthday Capricorn 2024

Career issues and your public status are in focus now. This also means that your history and past performance, including but not limited to your career, your worldly status and what you might have earned in terms of merit will come under the microscope relative to how others see you. This is the time to look at your past choices in light of your current opportunities. Have you done the best you could? Did you cut any corners? Are your values in line with your actions? Depending on how you answer, your potential for beneficial growth will be either scant or abundant. The emphasis of those opportunities is now shifting from simply your rapport with others to who you are serving: yourself, others or both. The ideal is both. If it is both, you’re in good shape. If it is just yourself, you need to widen your humility and your compassion for others. If it is just others, you need to widen your consideration and compassion for yourself. Only you know, in good conscience, which you have done.


You are now in a position to adjust the type and intensity of the support that you have either given to or taken from others. This opportunity will remain in effect until mid-February. Consider the balance carefully and you will know how to adjust your actions if necessary. Be careful not to simply rationalize the “rightness” of what you’ve already done or received. Fooling yourself will only foster personal sabotage in your future growth.   


Look carefully at the commitments that you have made. Your family and those whom you regard as family will tend to request, or even demand, a little more of you in terms of what and how much support you give them. Assess this internally and quietly to yourself. You may come to find that they may wish to take advantage of you if you don’t assert that they must be accountable for what they receive from you. Entitlement is a poor rationale for expecting “help.” You will have to judge if this is a motive behind their request. Don’t be afraid to say no. Your sustenance is just as important as theirs. Even if they don’t accept or understand this, a depleted battery is no good to anyone.

January 2025 Astrolights

The two most important features this month are the nodal shift of the Moon from Aries/Libra to Virgo/Pisces and Mars retrograding back into Cancer. Let’s first look at the nodal shift.  

It takes approximately twenty-six years for the lunar nodes to make a complete cycle around the zodiac. The last time they switched was January of 1997. The north node represents choices and issues that we need to and should make decisions about. The south node represents the past bringing the results of our decisions from the past choices.  They are considered karmic influences. If there is anything astrologically that could follow Newton’s “every action receives an opposite and equal reaction,” this is it. What goes around comes around.


We are moving from a north node in Aries ruled by Mars and south node in Libra ruled by Venus. Mars produces action and Venus discriminates our decisions. The focus has essentially been on establishing a balance between when to be independent and when to involve others. This is also largely about when to rely only on ourselves and when to involve others.


On January 12th we shift to Virgo/Pisces where Virgo is ruled by Mercury and Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune. This change moves us past the balance between being solely personal or inter-impersonal and brings us to how we will deal with the inter-relationship between service (to ourselves and others) and compassion (for ourselves and for others). Mercury rules our mental functioning through Virgo while Jupiter rules growth and expansion and Neptune rules sensitivities and the dissolving of boundaries through Pisces. The question now becomes who do we serve, why and how?


On the day the change occurs, Mercury will be in Capricorn. With Mercury here, the question becomes who or what do we sacrifice in our effort to build our lives? This is emphasized by Jupiter being in Gemini ruled by Mercury. With Neptune in Pisces, this creates a very strong square. Squares are an aspect of timing and can only be resolved by choosing which issue to favor over the other and when. Since Mercury and Virgo are dominated by discrimination, this puts a tremendous strain on our mental functioning. The square also produces a struggle over when to be compassionate and when to walk away.


On the 6th, Mars retrogrades back into Cancer. This means that all the decisions and actions we have taken concerning our home, family and traditions we now have the opportunity to revisit and reset our patterns. This reset can go as far back as Mars’ first ingress into Cancer in March of 2023. The Mars’ cycle takes approximately two years to make. This is the opportunity for a much needed correction in the patterns we have been forced to live by.


We must now, again trust our own counsel and say goodbye to the experts. We have all been through some trying times. As things settle back into normalcy, we can move back into doing things slowly, deliberately and in alignment with the traditions that we grew up with. Covid is finished. DEI is finished and gender confusion is petering out and we can now say goodbye to the desperation and hype that has been the last four years.

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