The impulse to do something constructive with what you have at your disposal is overwhelming now. Your connection to the public seems to be morphing and there is an undercurrent pushing you toward integrating what you know and want with the rest of the world. The question is, what do you want and who do you think you’ll influence and how?
You thought the agitation that began in 2023 was over, but it has only retreated giving you an opportunity to assess what you’ve gone through and how you’ve dealt with it. Now is the time for you to take action if you want to change the results. Understand that some of the results you might want to achieve will affect the security of those near and dear to you. It would be best to discuss with them what you intend to do. It will involve changing some of your personal daily patterns that have become ingrained and familiar to you and those you hold on to for your own security. It’s time to emerge.
How you relate to service, to yourself and others, could stand a new look with fresh eyes. You have prided yourself as someone moving to “the beat of a different drummer.” The “different” has been essentially, visionary. But now it’s time to implement your “visions.” You will have to follow some more conventional patterns if you’re wanting to include others in what you intend to do. You will also have to explain more to people than you have in the past. If you want them to go along with what you suggest, you must make them feel comfortable with how you want them to participate. The age of “trust the science” and following it blindly has been shown to be a con and is coming to an end. People want to know the truth, what they’re involved in and for what reason. People are not stupid. Underestimating them is dangerous. Our recent election has shown this.
Being of service to others is not giving away advantage but giving others the opportunity to create something that will benefit them and in the long run, us also. One of the ways that we can do this is to honor what we say and keep our word by doing what we said we would. We must not only “talk our walk” as many do but we must also “walk our talk.” The time of using helplessness and “under-dogged-ness” as an excuse for deserving a handout is over. We must all now learn to be adults and accountable for ourselves and our actions. This is at the root of the abandoned tradition that we must revive. Aquarius sees it and now must activate it.
February 2025 Astrolights

February We begin the month with a loaded 12th house filled with Saturn, the Moon, Venus, Neptune and the north node all in Pisces. There’s a lot of energy and push coming from the unconscious and the power of the masses of the 12th house. It ties into Mars retrograde in Cancer in the 4th. This will bring many of the undercurrents involved with the family to the surface. While Mars is retrograde, we have the opportunity to readjust our attitude toward the handling of our family issues. This opportunity will remain with us until the middle of April.
We've been asleep at the wheel. It's time to wake up! The last four years of social change have warped many of the traditional concepts that we have held to for many generations. We’ve had to put up with DEI, gender “confusion,” premature sex “education” of children who haven’t even reached consciousness let alone puberty, racial gas lighting, critical race theory, toxic masculinity, trans medical treatments for children, the disintegration of the family and religion and more. We now have the opportunity to get back on track with our family and social values without getting “excommunicated” or cancel cultured. We can look back to our elders and their traditions to understand these values and why they are still important.
On February 4th Jupiter turns direct in Gemini in the 3rd house. We now have abundant opportunity to communicate what we’ve been through and how we can return to a state of “normalcy.” Our current culture is in a state of PTSD after all the strife and social turmoil that we have been exposed to. We need to heal. Jupiter will help us to retrieve and reintegrate our traditional family and social values. We can also slowly evolve our colleges back toward offering a higher education and eliminate the metastasized scourge of radical indoctrination.
Our required deference to the extra loud “offended” voices of the “oppressed” minorities must be sufficiently ignored to regain free speech and our right to religious freedom. We must re-erect our personal boundaries and reintegrate the indicators of accountability. Merit must once again become the hallmark of our accomplishments.
When the Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th we will begin to see how we have been emotionally blackmailed into giving away our power and rights. We will no longer need to apologize for fulfilling our own desires and necessities ahead of others while being labeled as selfish and lacking compassion for doing so. The “experts” an their demands for our subservient behavior will fall away and we will hopefully return to common sense and thinking for ourselves.
Pluto will remain in Aquarius for at least the next twenty years. It is a sign that’s ruled by Saturn and Uranus. It brings us science and the need for social harmony through personal accountability. We must learn to be adults, put away childish moods and expectations and accept being responsible for ourselves instead of looking for scapegoats and fall guys for the results we’ve gotten by not thinking for ourselves. The time for spiritual maturity is upon us…
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