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Fundamentals #7:
Motivational Self-Assessment


This assessment should be done before your read Fundamentals 1-6 and after you've read them through and done some thinking on what and who motivates you to answer as you do. It is designed to help you see where you take your authority from, how much you trust your own judgment and allow you to understand where your life protocols and goals come from. Please answer the questions as honestly as you are able. No one will see what you've answered unless you show them.

1. What famous figure is it that you’d like to be like? Why?


2. What image do you feel that you must maintain in order to remain in the “good graces” of the people who are important to you?


3. To whom is it that you have assigned the duty of determining your value? Do you have to keep your mate happy and safe? Must you work at not disappointing your parents? Will your best friend crumble if you’re not there for them? Will no one do the job if you don’t? Will they not survive if you’re not there to care for them?


4. If you don’t “live up” to the duty, what will you lose?


5. List at least five people you feel responsible to and for and name the responsibility for each.


6. Whom is it that will give you the best reflection of how you’re coming across to others and why do you trust them more than anyone else?


7. Who is it that best accepts you for who you are? What are they able to accept and overlook in you (be specific)?


8. What would your best friend say about your character?


9. What would your worst enemy say about your character?


10. What do you do well in spite of what others may say or think about you?


11. What makes this possible?


12. How do you know when you’re not living up to your potential?


13. What is it in you that needs to remain hidden so you won’t feel embarrassed, exposed, out of control or diminished?


14. What part does religion play in your life? Where does your belief emanate from?

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