Right now, your career and public image seems to be in the spotlight. The tangible aspects of this seems to be the most important. Make sure your tangibility only relates to the applicable resources and skills you might have and not to how others perceive you. This will assure that you are regarded by others, good or bad, in a solid fashion. Do not get caught up in one-upsmanship. This will activate paranoia and secret keeping on not only your part but that of others as well. Right now, you want everything above board. This way you will be clear on where you stand.
In all conversations you need to take the higher road and not be lured into tit-for-tat spats with others who use “factual” details that may be ambiguous at best. It’s much better to speak from the place of your personal values rather to defend yourself as a response to selective interrogation about your reasoning where your value decisions are concerned. Lean into your values, make your decisions and refrain from the urge to “defend yourself.” It’s usually just a ploy to undermine you in favor of what the interrogator wants.
Standing on your own is now the best strategy you can use to manifest your life according to your own values and preferences. Listen to that inner voice and allow your intuition to have almost total sway. Our outside world has been overrun with experts, authorities and those who feel themselves to be superior to you. Do what is best for your growth and maturity. Listen to others for options not for direction. Think for yourself and your conscience will feel better in the long run. manifest.
August 2022 Astrolights

The most important aspect of this month’s energy changes is the retrograding of Uranus in Taurus on the 24th. Since he is in Taurus and retrograding usually indicates a slowing if not a backtracking of his influence, the pressure on our material assets and the attempted reprogramming of our self-identification will begin to take a short rest on or about the 24th until he again turns direct in January 2023. I believe our elections in November will be the most visible evidence of this occurrence. The larger majority of us, contrary to the proffered poll numbers by our current administration, will be able to breathe a little easier if our election is not “messed with” again. Time will tell. Pluto is currently retrograde in Capricorn in the tenth house until October. When he turns direct it will further release pressure in the political theatre as it heads into Aquarius.
With Chyron still in Aries in the first house along with Jupiter who also ingressed there in May of this year, our wisdom in how to follow our own counsel and fend for ourselves has been growing in leaps and bounds. With the Sun moving into Leo, it has helped us to find ways to also teach our children the same skills. Thinking for ourselves has been becoming more evident in spite of the overwhelming tidal pressure we’ve been feeling to acquiesce to “Woke” perspectives. This has assisted us into becoming a bit more discriminating in the application of our compassion as a result of external forces using guilt as a coercion for our acquiescence. This is a time and opportunity for reasserting our personal autonomy.
On the 11th Venus moves into Leo. This will allow us to perceive the highest values that we may want to pursue. Its emphasis will be on the most honorable way to act. Its position also connects to how we deal with our children and any creative matters. Be careful not to assume that people will either behave or think the way you believe is appropriate. Assuming that they will do as we believe often gets Leo into trouble. Always speak up about what you think is appropriate so you will not be fooled or disappointed as to how people think or act.
On the 27th the Moon becomes new in Virgo. This will enable us to take of the details in all the above efforts. Just make sure that what you set in motion takes care of what serves you and other concerned.
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