What hill do you want to die on? As we move into the new year more and more people will become contentious and argumentative. They will become more determined to prove their point or to be acknowledged as being “right.” This is not so much a function of you, your perspective or your behavior but that of the prevailing times where the outside world is increasingly pressing people to be “politically correct,” morally accredited and in sync with the prevailing social mindset. As our personal preferences and opinions become less relevant to what the social expectations have become, people are feeling more and more invalidated as individuals. Whether conscious or not, this leaves them with the urge to validate themselves and to be proven “right” as an assertion of their belief in what it is to be human. Where does this leave you as a Capricorn? It leaves you asking yourself if merit, hard work and following the rules have any more value or importance in today’s environment. Feigning and using helplessness, neediness and social oppression will only prevail for others until the “giver” becomes aware that they are being played. As it gets old and plays out, then, hard work, patience, honesty and following the rules will win out for you in the long run. So, follow your traditional values in spite of accusations of racism, equity and demanded inclusion. If you are honorably driven, then you can see the value in this. If you are overly materialistic, it won’t matter.
There will be many opportunities for you to be the support system of those in your environment. Choose wisely and let “tough love” be the vehicle of movement if necessary. This time for you may also bring inheritances, support and legacies from those you’ve already supported.
With resources being in short supply this year, realize that you are still in control of how you apply them. Again, choose wisely and be conservative. Don’t be afraid to say no to others who appear to not be putting the energy and work into what they want your support for.
January 2022 Astrolights

The major influences this month are the changing of the nodal signs, Mercury turning retrograde in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus turning direct. With Saturn in Aquarius this creates a substantial T-square with the open end emptying into Leo. Leo is all about the rules, Aquarius is all about changing them and the Taurus-Scorpio nodes are all about the push-pull struggle over resources and support.
The terminating nodes in Gemini-Sagittarius have contributed a lot of hot air to our personal values (Sagittarius) and the diffusion of them (Gemini). There’s been a lot of posturing and lecturing about what values and standards are appropriate for our public expression and how we behave. This has created a tremendous amount of stress and verbal conflict in contesting traditional family values against more unrestricted standards leading to an abundance of anarchy and the dissolution of our social structure. This struggle has even trickled down to causing value conflicts in our family homes. The most notable of these are disagreements about Covid, vaccinations and our susceptibilities to our exposure to the “pandemic” by family members.
As the nodes change to Taurus and Scorpio on the 18th, the stakes are about to become much higher. This, coupled with the raging inflation now brings the struggle to our tangible physical survival and well-being of our family to the forefront. Things are about to get ugly. Fights over food, gas and other staples are on the horizon. Uranus going direct in Taurus is about to make us a lot more aware of what is actually important for lives. Uranus’ job is to bring us back in line with what the universe, not our egos, is necessary for its proper operation. If our personal security gets in the way of that, Uranus will obliterate it. Compassion and mercy are not in his agenda. He will snap us back whether we are ready or not. Our personal values are about to be tested against universal law. If we are not aware of our own heart, the consequences will be catastrophic.
Mercury’s retrograde in Aquarius on the 14th will give us the space and a glimpse back to see how we have handled ourselves. Venus’ continuing retrograde in Capricorn until the 29th will assist us. Think long and hard about what we are being told to trust and follow before we decide what our course will be. This is the time to walk our talk. Just make sure they are aligned by our hearts.
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